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  • Do I have to register in advance to visit? 我需要預先登記才能出席嗎?
    No! You are always welcome to just drop by and visit our meetings. If you inform us in advance, we will be able to greet you personally when you arrive. 不需要!您隨時都能來參加我們的聚會。如果您預先通知我們的話,我們能夠在您抵達的時候更好的招待您。
  • Must I be a Christian to visit SETM? 我必須是個基督徒才能出席你們的聚會嗎?
    No! Even though the club is established by Christians, we welcome anyone of any faith! But to highlight our faith, we would start and end our meetings with a prayer and if you're not a Christian, you can just remain in your seat quietly during the prayer. 不需要!雖然沙田佳音演講會是由一班基督徒建立的,我們絕對歡迎所有的朋友來我們這裡聚會!但為了凸顯我們的信仰,我們在聚會開始和結束之前都會進行一個祈禱,如果您不是基督徒,你只需安靜留在座位上,讓時間過去就可以。
  • Must I be a Christian to join SETM? 我必須是個基督徒才能成為你們的會員嗎?
    No! Membership is opened to anyone who wants to improve their communication and leadership skills - and these skills are important for everyone, Christians or not. 不需要!只要您希望能夠提升自己的溝通和領導能力,我們都歡迎您加入我們!畢竟溝通和領導能力是所有人都需要的能力-不論您是否基督徒,您都需要這些能力。
  • Will there be a pastor preaching at your meetings? 你們的聚會當中會有傳道人講道嗎?
    No! While we love if you would like to hear God's words, we would encourage you to visit a church for that purpose (and we can even bring you there!). At SETM, we do speeches and evaluations, and we aim to improve on these skills. Having said that, we do start and end our meetings with prayers, because we want to thank our God for giving us the chance to meet and learn together. 不會!雖然我們很希望您能夠聽神的道,但如果您真的很想聽道的話,我們會建議您去教會(我們也能夠帶您去哦~)。在沙田佳音演講會,我們主要做的是演講和講評,也希望通過這些活動提升我們的溝通和領導能力。不過我們在每次聚會開始和結束的時候,我們都會作禱告,因為我們很想為著能夠有一起聚會、演講和學習的機會來感謝祂。
  • How to be a member? 如何才能成為會員?
    Most importantly, you would want to improve your communication and leadership skills. If you do, you can fill up a membership form and you will be asked to pay or your membership dues. Once that is done, you become a member! 最重要的是您必須希望提升自己的溝通和領導能力。之後您可以填寫會員申請表,並繳付會費。這一切都完成後,您就是沙田佳音演講會的會員了!
  • How much is the membership fees? 會費是多少?
    Our regular membership fee is HK$1,260 for 12 months, and our membership cycle is from October to September. If your term is less than 12 months, you will be charged on a pro-rated basis (HK$105/mo). If you are a first-time Toastmaster, i.e. you have no other membership at any Toastmasters club in the world, you will also have to pay an one-time registration fee of HK$160. 我們的會費是每年HK$1,260,會期是由每年的十月至第二年的九月。如果您在十月份之後才入會,您的會費將會根據您實際的會期而有所調整 (每月HK$105)。如果您是首次加入國際演講會,您必須另外再繳付一筆一次性的報名費HK$160。
  • Where do the membership dues go to? 會費會用到哪裡去?
    Your membership dues are made up of two parts. One of them is an annual membership fee that all members pay to Toastmasters International. The other part is used for the operating expenses of the club, which include rental of venues, printing of agendas and other miscellaneous expenses. Your one-time registration fee is used to cover for the administrative charges for registration at Toastmasters International, as well as your first education path. 您繳付的會費主要分開兩個部分,其中一部分是每一位會員需要繳付國際演講會總部的會費,而另一部分則是用作沙田佳音演講會的運作經費,包括租用場地、印製聚會議程、以及其他雜費。另外一次性繳付的$160,則是用作國際演講會總部登記的行政費用,以及您會收到的第一條學習路徑。
  • What is a Hybrid Meeting? 甚麼是混合模式會議?
    A hybrid meeting is a meeting held at a physical location where some participants join from the audience and others join remotely. You can either attend the meeting in person or participate via an online platform. 混合會議是在物理位置舉辦的會議或活動,其中一部分參與者從觀眾加入,而另一部分則遠程加入。你可以親臨會議地點出席會議,亦可通過網上平台參與會議。
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